ajay hothi needs to write more


i used to write about art and film and i did really well at it. eventually i got bored of writing for the same 300 people, then i started writing about football and i enjoyed that. i never got bored of interviewing people. bylines Artforum, Art in America, Art Monthly, Frieze, e-flux, Monocle, The Observer, TANK, and others. i tend to do academic writing now, mostly about sport, about design, and about film. it’s good practice but not very inspiring. i’ve written two books, and am trying to write two more.

films, documentaries, and galleries

i made art and culture documentaries for broadcast, on topics like reggae soundsystems and folk music for bbc radio 2 and radio 4. i also made films with artists and performance films for exhibition, at venues including serpentine gallery, design miami, and art basel. i opened and was director of an art/film gallery on great portland street for about six years. it was called tank.tv and we put on some really fun shows. i’m good in a gallery environment; i’ve done exhibitions, events, and residencies.


i’m senior lecturer in critical and historical/contextual studies at kingston school of art and at london metropolitan university. have been since 2013 and 2019, respectively. my undergrad was from royal holloway, in filmmaking + history of art; mphil in art writing from the royal college of art; currently on a phd in design writing from kingston university. my academic profiles are here and here. they’re always slightly out-of-date. if, for any mad reason, you want to contact me, do it through there.